Those who want to learn Japanese, please apply as soon as possible!!
Apply from here

The IIA provides opportunities to learn Japanese as part of its daily support for the foreign residents to learn Japanese culture, customs and manners, and to ensure smooth communication with the local residents through Japanese language and other studies.
The 2024 Japanese Language Class has finished. A total of 51 people (from 16 countries) participated in the introductory and beginner classes. Please click here for details about the activity report.

The IIA can introduce you to a volunteer Japanese Language tutor. The learning style of Japanese class is one-on-one with a volunteer tutor. If you hope to learn Japanese with a volunteer tutor, please see Japanese version
※For those who are interested in teaching Japanese, please see the leaflet 「ボランティア登録 (Registration for Volunteer Activities)」in Japanese.
1. Japanese Language Support at School (Project entrusted by Iwaki City Board of Education)
The IIA teaches Japanese language in order for children who have roots overseas to acquire communication skills and adapt to Japanese school and society as quickly as possible. In order for children to enroll, you need to consult the Board of Education in advance. After the Board of Education, the school, the student's parent(s) or guardian(s) and the IIA have consulted about Japanese Language Support, it will be decided. Applications must be filed by the principal of the school. When making a request, please fill out the "日本語学習サポート事業利用申請書 (Japanese Language Learning Support Service Application Form)".
Guidelines for Acceptance of Foreign National Children by the School
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has created this leaflet with the aim of contributing to the smooth acceptance of foreign national children and students into public schools. It covers how to respond to the diversity of foreign children and students, the role of school administrators, the role of Japanese language teachers, the role of homeroom teachers, and the role of the board of education, and we hope that everyone involved in the education of foreign children and students will make use of it.
For guardians and those who involved schools

2. Japanese Language Support by the volunteer tutor
The "Ohisama Japanese Language Class" is a group formed by IIA's volunteers who provide Japanese language support to elementary and junior high school students. Please contact us for more information.
Location → Iwaki City Lifelong Learning Plazav(gakushuu plaza)いわき市生涯学習プラザ

- にほんご これだけ!(Nihongo Kore Dake - The only material for mastering basic sentence patterns)
- いろどり 生活の日本語 (Irodori, Japanese to live)
- つながるひろがるにほんごでのくらし (Tsunagaru Hirogaru Nihongo deno Kurashi - Connect and Enhance Your Life in Japanese)(Website for Foreign Nationals as Residents to Learn Japanese Language)
- まるごと(Marugoto - A brand new type of learning materials)
- 凡人社の日本語教村リスト Japanese Language Textbook Lists by Bonjinsha
- Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT
- JLPT Internet Application Site for JLPT
- JF日本語教育スタンダード(JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education ) English Site
- たのしいがっこう(Tanoshii Gakko -Happy School)
- 外国人児童生徒研修マニュアル(Foreign National Children and Student Training Manual)
- 外国人児童生徒のためのJSL対話型 アセスメント~DLA~(JSL Interactive Assessment for Foreign Students ~DLA~)
- 学校教育におけるJSLカリキュラム(中学校編)(JSL Curriculum in School Education (Junior High School Edition)) (2 languages)
- かすたねっと (Castanets) (Japanese only)
- 子どもの日本語ライブラリ (Children's Japanese Language Library) (Japanese only)
- 外国につながる子どもたちのための教材 (Teaching Materials for Children Connected to Foreign ountries) (2 languages) English site
- だいじょうぶnet.(Network Site for the people who supports the foreign children) (Japanese only)
- NIHONGOeな (Portal for Learning Japanese)
- エリンが挑戦 にほんごできます。(Erin's Challenge! I can speak Japanese.)
- ぷりんときっず (Print Kids)(Japanese only)
IIA published the leaflet “やさしい日本語(Yasashii Nihongo)”.
やさしい日本語(Yasashii Nihongo) means easy and considerate Japanese which everyone can understand, not only for foreigners, but also for children, the elderly and people with disabilities
For those who hope to downroad this pamphlet, please see from here